Tag Archives: art


“We Feel Fine”

This is pretty amazing, on a few different levels: We Feel Fine.


Hair sketching

I wonder if Shahzad Malik has ever played with Barbie Magic Hairstyler:

Shahzad Malik’s Web Page – Projects (see ‘Hair Sketching’ project)

(I already explained how I know about Barbie Magic Hairstyler.)


DVD mystique

It’s interesting to me that when I buy a DVD of episodes of a TV show, they’re quite a bit better than they were on TV. There are a number of possible explanations for this, and no doubt they add up, but I think the biggest difference is that there are no commercial interruptions. Not only does this let the content flow properly, but I’m also more likely to allow myself to invest my attention when I know that nobody is going to try to hijack it to hawk garbage.



Is it just me, or does it seem like the whole multilayered brouhaha (yes, I used the word ‘brouhaha’. Wanna fight aboudit?) about DRM, DCMA, RIAA, MPAA, WTFA is really a sideline from a more important question? The question is, why are we accepting this crazy model of top-down entertainment? Why aren’t we making music for our friends (and only for our friends), or stopping by a neighbor’s house when they’re doing a little play? Why are we even looking for entertainment instead of expression and communication? Why are we afraid to believe our own stories could be as enthralling as those enacted by someone who wouldn’t deign to appear for less than $10 million?