The universal measure of intelligence

There is a unique, predefined, immutable set F of facts, and a unique, predefined, immutable set S of basic cognitive skills. The exact definitions of these sets are elided in this discussion, but some example members of F are “Raindrops are formed by nucleation on dust particles”, “Spain is east of Portugal”, “Two US presidents have had last names starting with ‘W'”. Some example members of S are the ability to add four-digit numbers, the ability to envision an approximate partition of a 3D volume into tetrahedra, the ability to enumerate notes in pentatonic scales.

For any given human, there is a set F’ of facts and a set S’ of basic cognitive skills that this person has acquired and can use immediately.

The universal measure of intelligence of said human is calculated simply as follows:

Oh, wait, I didn’t finish reading my notes. What I meant to say was that the degree to which you believe the above is a definition of intelligence is the degree to which you are an ass-monkey. Sorry for the confusion.

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